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Tarot - The Practical, the Magical, and You: Bringing the Power and Wisdom of the Tarot into Focus


$550 (Payment-plan available!)




About the Course

Your Instructor

Michael Thomas

Michael Thomas

Michael has been blessed with the gifts of insight, clairvoyance, and other wonderful gifts of spirit from an early age. In his early 20’s, he was blessed with an amazing teacher, a psychic in her own right, Stacie Newkirk. She lovingly opened her arms, her heart, and Michael’s mind to teach him, to guide him, and to help him refine his skills. From psychometry, to hypnosis, to the Tarot, and more, the journey continues to unfold.

The blessings along the way have been countless. For over 40 years, Michael has used the precious gifts of spirit in service to others. He has assisted his clients in blending the guidance of their source with very practical information and advice so that they too can manifest happy, fulfilling lives.

A voracious student of all things spiritual, Michael is a psychic intuitive, a conscious channel, and a clairvoyant who uses all of the tools at his disposal in order to bring his clients clarity, insight, answers, and counsel in a non-judgmental, practical manner. While working one-on-one with clients is something that he loves and appreciates, he is compelled to pay forward his years of practice and refinement of his gifts in order to assist others on their own path of unfolding.

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